Wednesday, July 07, 2010

After almost 12 years of owning my car ...

After almost 12 years of owning my car, I learned something new about it this week.  I always wondered why my radio would get louder when I turn the knob to the left to turn it quieter.  I have to turn it around and around a few times before it starts to get quieter.  Usually, when I'm actually wanting it quieter, I want it quiet NOW.  So, last week, when I was looking up reports on my make and model of car to determine whether it would make sense to do more major repairs or whether I'll have to look for a different vehicle soon - or, rather, when I have a steady source of income - I noticed almost everyone was complaining about this radio thing.  Someone pointed out this is actually a feature on the car. A feature?! Seriously? Well, apparently, it's supposed to auto-adjust to the loudness of the road noise. The trick recommended was to slightly pull the knob out, then turn it down and you'll have immediate results.  I tried that this week and every time I've tried it, the volume goes down. Who would have thought that I'm still learning about new tricks of my car almost 12 years after purchasing it!

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