Friday, January 23, 2009

The worst combination ever ....

What I made for supper today has got to be one of THE WORST food combinations ever, texture wise. Romaine lettuce, peach slices (canned), walnuts, cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Seriously, it was so bad that I almost instantly threw it all up. I'm hoping I have an appetite in the next hour or so to eat something else that is tastier and has a better texture. Seriously. Gross. Don't try it! I don't think I'm sick to my stomach, though, otherwise.


Nanda said...

The peach and cottage cheese are questionable. Replace peach with grapes and cottage cheese with grated swiss, and you may have a decent combo. No worries, everyone has her "moments"...

patti said...

Peaches and cottage cheese are usually good. But, with the nuts and lettuce, the textures just didn't go. Mush with crunchy bits plus the texture of peaches. I think your combo sounds pretty good.